Artist Statement for Scan Series

This series of creative digital photocollages with its changing imaginaries as well as contour outlines tracked my personal visual transformations in 2020 over 8.5 months living in pandemic-induced solitude.

Each work organically unfolded into an ordinary household item, for example, a teacup, an expired credit card, a foldable fan, or a flag created for an imagined homeland. The flag bears three colors symbolizing the ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity, inspired by Polish director Krzysztof Kieslowski's film trilogy. Binge-viewing films during the lockdown, I drew creative inspiration from works by prominent directors worldwide instead of static visual artworks. Only a few pieces retained their original experimental appearance resembling the simple barcode found on commercial commodities.

From the animal world, the monkey emerged, representing my self-identified role as a contemporary court jester in the context of agenda-packed department meeting after meeting. Meanwhile, the manifestation of the legendary Chinese mythological ghost- catcher Zhongkui could extend to another of my alter-egos as a keyboard warrior in the guise of a faculty member who is required to engage in endless computer-related tasks during the academic year. Two action figures took turns posing as a father figure with unquestioned authority. They included a terra cotta army general and my own charcoal rendering of Michelangelo's Moses.

An ironic tone permeates this series which indirectly reflects the contemporary international power struggles and political confusion I absorbed from regular exposure to news reports and broadcasts. Creating the series initiated the healing process for me to untangle twisted thoughts and soothe unsettled feelings, hence the title for this show: dissect * enmesh * revive.