Artist Statement for Scan Series 2.0

In this series of creative digital photocollages, I tried to visually represent the dilemma that Southeast Asia currently faces. My research interest grew when a territorial dispute over the South China Sea, one of the busiest waterways in the world, garnered the attention of world mass media over the past years. I was drawn especially by the coverage and representation of this geographic region because my own native country—Singapore—is situated here.

Recent excavations of shipwrecks in this region and navigation histories inspired additional content. During the first millennium, traders traveled both eastward and westward along the marine terrain dubbed the Ceramics Route to transport exquisite products from Asia to Europe and vice versa. The irregular outlines of my new works mimic fragments of china from various dynasties (Tang, Song, and Ming) glazed with their characteristic colors. A wide array of vessels and household utensils with specific functions and distinctive Chinese names were portrayed.

Additional content was based on the myths and legends of Southeast Asia. Gateways of opportunities open when the protagonist encounters crisis or comes face to face with adversaries. The characters for “danger 危” and “opportunity 機” when used together, denote “crisis 危機” in the Chinese language. Such stories will always be metaphorically transformed in my digital photocollages just as the torrential rains accompanied by the trade winds were visually transformed into scanning barcodes on commercial products.